What Makes Westminster Unique?

Westminster Community Care Center, founded in 1994 as Westminster Free Clinic (WFC), is a grass roots health care provider that is driven and empowered by volunteers. It offers basic non-invasive health, mental health, dental and vision care, at or near locations where large numbers of uninsured people live or are marginally housed.

Westminster Free Clinic is 100% free. As a community care center, our goal is to provide low-income people with early access to healthcare, and health supporting programs and services, in order to prevent more costly mental and physical health problems. To achieve this, we understand that the health environment must also change, so we partner with the community to inspire both individual and larger scale change.

Westminster’s workforce is 97% volunteer. Physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, and other medical professionals volunteer their time at the clinic after their regular jobs.

70% of our teen interns are low-income, and most will be the first generation to graduate high school and go to college.

Teens in our Teen Healthcare Pathways Internship Program work as an intergenerational team with physicians and other medical volunteers to provide health care, outreach, and change in the community.

Westminster has low overhead and administrative costs. 93% of funds are used for direct service and prevention. Westminster is built entirely upon collaboration.

Over $3.5 million in donated goods and services are provided annually.

Westminster Community Care Center proudly serves Ventura County.